Can I move into Saint Luke’s Home if I need long term care?
Admission to long term care within the region is managed directly by NL Health Services. Further information on accessing long-term care is available here .
How much is rent for the units?
Rent varies by the type/size of the unit. In addition, some rents are lower due to subsidies for lower income housing. An outline of current rents is available by clicking here.
Is heat and light included?
All units are Pay Own Utilities (POU). Typical costs per unit can range from $75 – $150 per month, depending on your average usage and personal comfort level.
I have a house to sell; can I move after I sell?
As soon as lease is signed you are responsible for paying the rent and the utilities. You may move in at any time after the start date. Unfortunately, delay in paying rent/utilities related to selling a property cannot be granted.
Are subsidies available?
A limited number of rental subsidies are available for those with lower incomes. Further information can be obtained from Tenant Services.
Features & Amenities
How big are the apartments and cottages?
The cottages are mostly one-bedroom units of approximately 450 sq ft. Apartments may be either one- or two-bedroom. Townhouses are two-bedroom units.
Are the units furnished?
A fridge and stove are included in each unit. However, furnishings are the responsibility of the tenant to provide.
Are there laundry facilities?
While there are no laundry hookups in most of the individual units, there are common laundry facilities available at each site. Townhouses are equipped with their own washer and dryer. Portable washers and dryers are permitted in the cottages, however the dryer must be vented to the outdoors. There are also clotheslines available for use around the cottage grounds.
Is parking available?
Parking is available for those who own a vehicle and one parking space is allocated per unit.
Are meals provided and/or do you provide any other services?
Tenants are provided with services such as snow clearing, grass cutting, garbage removal, and laundromat facilities on site. In addition, tenants are welcome to attend chapel services, access the Beauty Salon (at a cost), and have complementary daily afternoon tea at the main home. Other meals from the home are not available to tenants. However, meals are available through other providers such as Meals on Wheels, Coleman’s and Belbin’s for tenants who need that service.
Do you have security on site?
Video surveillance is available at each apartment building (external cameras on buildings and parking lots; main door) although these are not actively monitored. Babb Manor has internal video cameras for tenants to be able to see who is calling at the main door.
General Inquiries
How long is the wait list?
Due to a very high demand for affordable housing for seniors, the wait for an apartment, cottage or townhouse can vary.
Typical wait times at present (2020) are:
1 bedroom unit including cottages: 8-10 years
2 bedroom unit and townhouses: 12-14 years
Where are we on the list?
Once your application is accepted you will be given a wait list number. After that, you may check your status at any time on our website by clicking here.
Applications are received and filed chronologically by date and time received. However, priority may be given to existing tenants when a vacancy occurs in their preferred building. This would, of course, then free up their existing unit for allocation to someone on the wait list.
Do you allow pets?
Yes, small animals are permitted; veterinarian papers certifying health are required.
Note: excessive barking or disturbances to other tenants, lack of cleanliness, etc. cannot be tolerated; if issues persist, the tenant will be required to have the pet removed from the premises.
Is smoking permitted?
Smoking of any kind is not permitted in or on any of Saint Luke’s properties.
How long do I have to sign a lease?
Leases are signed on a month to month basis. A 30-day notice is needed to terminate your lease, effective from the date of rent payment.