Criteria #1
Applicants for admission to our seniors’ housing units (apartments, townhouses or cottages), or their spouse/partner, must be a minimum of sixty (60) years of age. Admissions are open to both couples and single persons.
Criteria #2
Offers of admission are made in order of the date of application for senior's housing, except in the following cases (not necessarily in this order).
- Residents of Saint Luke’s long term care facility who wish to and are able to be discharged to the Cottages will have priority consideration for a Cottage.
- Existing tenants requesting internal transfers between Bishop Meaden Manor, Babb Manor or the Cottages will have priority consideration over external applicants.
- Applicants living in the community who are the spouse or partner of a resident of Saint Luke’s or Agnes Pratt long term care facilities will have priority admission for a one-bedroom cottage, subject to the discretion of Tenant Services. Under this provision, only one family member per resident will be considered for admission to the cottages.
- The priority status for the above situations is administered by the Manager of Tenant Services through the internal transfer wait-list.
Criteria #3
Two non-family member references are required at the time housing is offered and accepted.
Criteria #4
When an applicant on the wait-list is offered housing the applicant has three options. Option 1 is to Accept housing, Option 2 is to Refuse housing and have their application removed from the wait-list or Option 3 is to make the application Inactive for 6 months. When Option 3 is chosen and the applicant is offered housing a second time, at that time they only have the choice between Accepting or Refusing. Any applicant who is removed from the wait-list will need to make application again, if they wish to restart the process.
Criteria #5
Applications for admission will be accepted from persons regardless of race, nationality or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, family status, or disability. Preference will be given to applicants residing in Newfoundland & Labrador. Proof of residency will be required when an offer for housing has been accepted.
Criteria #6
Anglican Clergy are given preference for admission to one of the six clergy cottages and are admitted in order in which they applied for admission. If there are no Anglican clergy on the waiting list, the next eligible applicant will be admitted. “Clergy” are defined as an ordained person and/or a spouse of an ordained person.